About Us
The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program
The Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies offers a flexible undergraduate concentration that promotes a multidisciplinary understanding of the culture, history, and contemporary issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. A student who majors in the program receives a degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies with a concentration in a given discipline. Since LACS courses are offered in various departments, the program is adaptable to individual interests. In addition, since the major is complemented by a concentration, many students double major in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and another discipline.
A great way to learn about the region is to visit or live there! Students are encouraged to pursue part of their studies in Latin American or the Caribbean by spending a semester in an academic program approved by Emory College Education Abroad. A maximum of sixteen credits of foreign study can be credited towards a LACS major, with the approval of the program's Director or the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
LACS undergraduates find that they are a vital part of a program with many opportunities: they interact frequently with Emory faculty and graduate students who are experts on the region, and they often get to meet with visiting scholars, artists and politicians. The program regularly sponsors lectures, seminars and films, and it also encourages student internships in the U.S. and abroad.
Readily accessible as well is the Art of the Ancient Americas, a permanent collection of the Carlos Museum that represents all three principal cultural centers of the Americas: Mesoamerica, Central America, and the Andes.